words that end in ance

Exploring 61 Words That End in ANCE and Their Meanings

Language is filled with words that express actions, qualities, and conditions, shaping the way we communicate. Whether you take a chance, maintain balance, or show endurance, these words help describe essential aspects of life. Many have Latin or French origins and are widely used in business, literature, and everyday speech.

Some relate to movement, while others define abstract concepts like guidance or tolerance. Among them, words that end in ance are common and meaningful, offering a way to express ideas clearly and effectively. In this article, we’ll explore these words, organizing them by length and uncovering their meanings and uses.

Five-Letter Words Ending in “ANCE”

  1. dance – A series of rhythmic movements, often performed to music.
  2. lance – A long, pointed weapon used in battle or jousting.

Six-Letter Words Ending in “ANCE”


  1. chance – A possibility or likelihood of something happening.
  2. trance – A state of deep focus or hypnosis.
  3. stance – A person’s posture or their position on an issue.
  4. prance – To move in a lively, high-stepping way.
  5. nuance – A subtle difference or distinction in meaning, expression, or tone.
  6. fiance – A man engaged to be married.

Seven-Letter Words Ending in “ANCE”

  1. balance – A state of stability and even distribution.
  2. advance – To move forward or make progress.
  3. enhance – To improve or increase the quality or value of something.
  4. finance – The management of money and investments.
  5. romance – A love story or the feeling of love and excitement.

Eight or More Letter Words Ending in “ANCE”

  1. reliance – Dependence on something or someone.
  2. defiance – Open resistance or disobedience.
  3. distance – The amount of space between two points.
  4. radiance – Brightness or light emitted from something.
  5. entrance – A point where one enters; also a state of being captivated.
  6. instance – An example or occurrence of something.
  7. guidance – Advice or direction given to help someone.
  8. endurance – The ability to withstand hardship or difficulties.
  9. resistance – The refusal to accept or comply with something.
  10. observance – The act of following a rule, law, or custom.
  11. acceptance – The act of agreeing to or receiving something willingly.
  12. performance – An act of presenting entertainment or a measure of effectiveness.
  13. dominance – The state of being in control or more powerful.
  14. significance – The importance or meaning of something.
  15. maintenance – The upkeep or care of something to keep it functional.
  16. brilliance – Exceptional brightness or intelligence.
  17. remembrance – The act of recalling past events or people.
  18. extravagance – Excessive spending or over-the-top behavior.
  19. acquaintance – A person one knows but not very well.
  20. forbearance – Patience, tolerance, or self-control.
  21. sustenance – Food or nourishment necessary for survival.
  22. inheritance – Property or traits passed down from ancestors.
  23. mischance – Bad luck or an unfortunate event.
  24. allegiance – Loyalty or commitment to a group or cause.
  25. perseverance – Persistence in achieving a goal despite difficulties.
  26. resemblance – The quality of looking or being like someone or something else.
  27. temperance – Self-restraint, especially in eating and drinking.
  28. repentance – Sincere regret or remorse for wrongdoing.
  29. exuberance – Energetic excitement or enthusiasm.
  30. severance – The act of ending a relationship or connection.
  31. accordance – Agreement or conformity with something.
  32. reluctance – Unwillingness or hesitation to do something.
  33. insurance – Financial protection against risk or loss.
  34. surveillance – Close monitoring of people, places, or activities.
  35. grievance – A complaint about unfair treatment.
  36. tolerance – The ability to accept different beliefs or endure pain.
  37. avoidance – The act of staying away from something.
  38. importance – The state of being significant or valuable.
  39. abundance – A large quantity of something.
  40. assurance – Confidence or a promise to do something.
  41. overbalance – To lose stability or tip over.
  42. hindrance – Something that obstructs or slows progress.
  43. irrelevance – The state of being unrelated to the topic.
  44. acquittance – A written document stating that a debt has been settled.
  45. overconfidence – Excessive belief in one’s abilities.
  46. insignificance – Lack of importance or meaning.
  47. misgovernance – Poor or corrupt management of a government.
  48. dissonance – A lack of harmony or agreement.

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